
Dorset Police is supporting Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week 2025 and encouraging victims of all forms of sexual offences to have the confidence to come forward.

During the week of action, which runs from Monday 3 February 2025, the Force is sending a message that all victims will be treated with respect and supported and we will do all we can to ensure perpetrators are held to account.

The central focus of all this work is the voice of the victim as we make every effort to ensure they feel supported and listened to.

Detective Superintendent Neil Wright, Force lead for Rape and Serious Sexual Offence (RASSO) and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), said: “We are also working with partners to raise awareness and empower victims to report non-contact sexual offences.

“These offences can include voyeurism, exposure, up-skirting, spiking, stalking, online offences and other general sexualised comments and behaviour.

“We want to assure our communities that offences of this nature will be taken seriously and we are absolutely committed to ensuring that we will respond appropriately to these reports.”

Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset David Sidwick said: “Tackling violence against women and girls remains a priority and the Force has set a clear strategic focus on improving investigation standards, and the service provided to victims.”

Anyone who has been the victim of a sexual offence or other sexualised behaviour can report it to Dorset Police or by calling 101. If you or anyone else is in danger, always call 999 immediately.

For those who do not feel able to report matters to police, help can be sought through the following channels: